Universal circuit breakers, also known as low-voltage circuit breakers, can also be used to produce manufacturing and block load circuits and also manipulate the motor is not easy to often run. This is also the total number of knife gates, electrical components or overcurrent relay pressure controller depletion, while the role of undervoltage protection distribution network as anti-cracking thermal relay role is a major ensure.
City Square used to widely used power supply systems and power systems used in the research and development of integrated system software data visualization, automation technology, the Internet, instantly, the provisions of the increasingly high degree of precision, complex network architecture, and its widely used automation technology data process control Usually, the high equipment failure rate of low-voltage circuit breakers are also high provisions of the current disconnect switches have been unable to meet the requirements of modern The current disconnect switches are no longer able to meet the requirements of modern integrated automation technology for electric power. It is used in intelligent technology undervoltage protection disconnecting switch key application development orientation. (Overload overcurrent protection under overvoltage protection, etc.) Low-voltage circuit breakers have a variety of roles, the actual operation is simple, blocking the work of high capacity, safety, the actual operation of the adjustment, is now widely used.
Intelligent use of key isolation switch key by the micro-controller part of the data signal data acquisition part of the data output devices, display devices and computer keyboards multi-purpose sending detection, maintenance of intelligent technology, accurate measurement, external devices, serial communication interfaces and switching power supply composition.
Usually, the main contact point manual type or electric type close the actual operation. After the main circuit breaker is closed, the random power-off organization will lock the main circuit breaker in the shut-off part. The electromagnetic coil of the over-electric flow detector and the thermal components of the thermal detector are connected in series with the main circuit, and the electromagnetic coil of the low-voltage discharge home appliance is connected in parallel with the power supply. If the circuit is short-circuit fault or more serious overload, it drives the frame of the overcurrent flow disconnector, the excitement of the conversation randomly disconnecting the organization, the main circuit breaker to open the main circuit. When the circuit is overloaded, thermal cutoff of the thermogenic cause heat generation to bend the bimetallic and release the random power-off organization. If the circuit working voltage is not enough, the synchronous motor that releases the undervoltage protection striker. Totally free travel system is also reasonable. When the booking pitch manipulation as the controller is held down to the run button and its when the electromagnetic coil is plugged in order to cause the synchronous motor to randomly cut off the power in the normal actual operation of the actual operation of the synchronous motor, the separate disconnect is destroyed.